Wednesday, August 08, 2007

and no one keeps a cow for a friend

Mood: Grumpy.
Listening To: "Into the Woods - Prologue" from Into the Woods.
Reading: Mary Poppins Comes Back by P.L. Travers.

Well, I got my wisdom teeth out on Monday, and never have I wanted to eat an apple more.
Jell-o and pudding and mashed potatoes all suck.
It's gross too. I can feel the stitches IN MY MOUTH. No one should EVER have stitches in their mouth. Ever.

I'm not used to oral pain.
And my face is the flipping size of a cantaloupe.
And I have to work tomorrow.

I am not excited.

Okay, I'm a whino. I know.

But people have visited me and brought me shakes and pudding. :D

Bah, I should lie down.

"What do they think I am? Dumb or something? Why, I make more money than - than - than Calvin Coolidge! Put together!"
-Lina Lamont, Singin' in the Rain.

<3 = brittany

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