Sunday, December 25, 2005

o come let us adore him

Listening To: "O Come All Ye Faithful"
Reading: Alma 34.

Oh joy. We opened presents early, at midnight, and I am thoroughly happy with what I got.

Remember me wanting a canvas?

Yeah. I GOT ONE.

And Edward Scissorhands and Phantom of the Opera on DVD.

And lots of socks.

And Canadian pajama pants.

And a haircut. X3

And a few other little things, but I'm very happy.

Oh, and I sing in church today. We're singing "O Come All Ye Faithful" and I have a solo at the very beginning. Agh, I'm nervous now.

But I have to go do my hair and stuff, so I'll leave now. XD

"We're being invited places by colored people!"
"It feels so hip!"

-Penny and Tracy, "Hairspray"

<3 = brittany

Sunday, December 18, 2005

lady, lady love me because I love to lay here lazy

Mood: Pretty good. Happy, you could say.
Listening To: "Banana Pancakes" by Jack Johnson
Reading: "That Summer" by ----- Dessen.

Woo-hoo! Christmas break! Christmas break! -dancedancedance- So excited. X3

And I got the GREATEST Christmas gift ever. GOGGLES! Love. Da Linzer got them for me. They're black motorcycle goggles nad I wear them upon my head and look like a bug when I wear them for real. XD

So they've been added to the bottom of my "Things That Make Me Happy" list.

Christmas break better rock, and I need to drive now. Tiffany's offered to take me around, so I hope she's serious about that, because I really need to learn.

I'm doing okay. And no school! X3

"Look! The artichoke is steamed."

- Glinda from "Wicked".

<3 = brittany

Saturday, December 10, 2005

you'll be with me like a handprint on my heart

Mood: So happy I've got the shivers.
Listening To: "For Good" from Wicked.
Reading: "Someone Like You" by ---- Desson.

Oh love. I was just told that my stuff is good enough to publish by another person.

Narnia rocks my world!!! says: he was like, "She writes way good. I don't think she realizes how good she is. She needs to publish"

Da Brittster says: No way. He said that?

Da Brittster says: *totally loves the Donovan*

Narnia rocks my world!!! says: yeah

Narnia is Tiffany, Da Brittster is me.

So, dood. I am all shivery with joy. And she's going to use my "not really a poem, but..." piece for a school paper and that makes me happy. <3


And things are going SOOO much better with the boy-o. We talked for two hours the other night, then last night, I slept over at Kenzie's, and we snuck him out of his house and talked for another two or three hours. We all needed it.

So, there is much love. Much.

Waldgrave: What has gotten into that boy?
Clelia: I can't conceive.
Axel: We all wish.

-"The Nerd", Larry Shue

<3 = brittany

Thursday, December 01, 2005

with your silly jokes and prattle

Mood: Doing...better.
Listening To: "Give It to 'Em Good, Carrie" from Carousel.
Reading: "The Nerd" by Larry Shue.

Oh me-an. Well. That last entry was all happy and cheerful, wasn't it?

I'm giving up on him. That's it. That's what I've needed to do for three years, and I'm bringing myself to it now. I can't hang on him like some conjoined twin, I don't need to know about everything he does, and I don't need to call him anymore. That's all.

So I'm working on that.

But it's so hard to let someone go, even if he is a jerk. You know?

This is gonna be really short, and lately I haven't been talking much about what I've been doing in life, I've just kinda been venting and "sharing my feelings". Psshaw.

I just don't know what to think anymore. Things are way too complicated and way too confusing.

But, ah, my hands are going to freeze off. So I'll leave now.

"Pretentious? Moi?"

-Axel, "The Nerd"

<3 = brittany

More Carousel pictures.

Carousel pictures.

Friday, November 25, 2005


Jerk jerk jerk.

You do this because you think I'll always be there, huh? You think I can never let go. You think that you don't hurt me when you totally blow me off like that. You know what? I hate it. I don't hate you. I hate what you do when you have a girl. I hate it.

You're a jerk. I don't know why I hang on, but I love you. I love you like a brother, but you've hurt me so many times.

One day I'm not going to be there, kid, and I hope you miss me.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

and the sweet silver song of a lark

Mood: Feeling groovy.
Listening To: "You'll Never Walk Alone" from Carousel is stuck in my head.
Reading: Actually, nothing right now. I don't have time.

So. It's been a long time, eh? Field show has been over for a couple of weeks, we had Majestix tryouts (I don't know how those went) and now all I have to worry about is Carousel. But I'm not worrying. I'm happy, and I don't want it to end.

Everything's going right right now. Life is good, Michael and Kenzie are bringing me Panda Express, and I'm sitting here with bad hair and unshaven legs and pajamas. I haven't taken a shower yet. Oh crap. I'm not shaving my legs until closing night, which is Tuesday. Originally, I left my legs unshaved for a week, and I was going to shave them Wednesday, the day before opening night. But then I didn't have time, so I didn't, and now Kenzie isn't shaving until the day after closing night, so I'm doing the same. XD

Oh man, guys, I love life. I really do.

We went and saw the midnight showing of Hary Potter 4 on Thursday after going to Denny's for the cast party, and it was pretty lame, but it was worth the two hours of sleep. Last night the party was at the Jensen's, and I ate three plates of spaghetti after shoving my face in it. Oh, the fun.

Tonight we're going to have a blast. I just know it. Last night and opening night's performances were amazing. I've had so much fun. That's why I don't want it to end. It makes me feel so good. It totally buoys me up. Oh, there is love.

But I have to go take a shower right now.

"You'd think a woman with nine children would have more sense!"
"If I had more sense I wouldn't have had nine children!"

-Enoch Snow and Carrie from Carousel.

<3 = brittany

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Message From Brittany

Brittany is currently grounded until October 29th. This means she is not able to answer e-mails, update journal entries, check her DA messages, or talk on either her house phone or cell phone.

If you must reach her, please leave a message after the tone.


This is her beloved, adorable, and totally awesome best friend Lindsey by the way.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

anywhere you go let me go too-

Mood: Sick, but pretty happy.
Listening To: "All I Ask of You" from Phantom of the Opera.
Reading: 1984 by George Orwell.

Hoo. Homecoming was on Friday, and...

WE WON. Yes. I was very glad. I didn't watch much of the game, I mostly just danced with the band, but it was great. Yes, I danced with the band. Stood in front of the drumline up in the stands and shook what my mama gave me. Hee.

I think field show was awesome, but then, what do I know? I'm a first-year. XD But it was a ton of fun. To feel all those people's eyes on you, to hear their applause after each song, to be able to perform in such strong wind, it was the best. The wind really whipped up as soon as we got out on the field, and I was praying it would go away, but it never did. But we got through it really well, I think.

I saw so many grads. There was Chantelle and Abree and Tiffany and Missy and Sophie. It was crazy. After the game I went out with Tiffany, Donovan, Kent, Fish, Sal, Phil (who's a girl), and Phil's little brother Josh.

We went to a park and played tag for a little bit, then Kent lost his shoe and we kinda gave up on the game, then we ran around in the skate park until some real skaters came, so we walked out onto the basketball court an talked about things and people and college and high school. Finally, we drifted over to the playground and played "Let's Make a Date", an improv game that's a lot of fun. You take three bachelors or bachelorettes and give them weird characters, then have someone ask them two questions and try to figure out who they are. I was a nun. XD

Finally, we took Fish home because he had to go, then the rest of us went to Leatherby's two minutes before they closed.

"Can't you take some initiative? Ow! What was that?"
"Me taking some initiative."
"Oh. I thought you were trying to beat me to death with your forehead."

-Kim and Billy from Fortress by Michael Scanlan.

<3 = brittany

Monday, September 19, 2005

and you know it makes me sick to be on that list

Mood: Murr.
Listening To: "Ex-Girlfriend" by No Doubt.
Reading: Lord of the Flies by William Golding. (I'm almost done with it.)

You know what I really want to learn how to do?

Oil paint. Or just paint for that matter. I want to take a brush to canvas and paint.

But I can't find paint or canvas. And I'd be afraid of putting stuff on it in the first place. I have an idea, just nowhere to put it. X____x

I love fall so much, but it depresses me even when I don't have reason to be. I don't know. I just get really weird around autumn. Things kinda cave in or something, I dunno.

But homecoming's on Friday! I'm very excited. I can't wait to do the field show for the school and competition and stuff. Ooh yeah. I feel like there will be much rejoicing on my part. X3

We danced at play practice tonight, and I felt really overwhelmed, but I know I can get it if we keep doing it. You know, repetition is great for the growing mind. |8D

Ooh, ooh! I got a 91.7 on my Pre-Calc test! I danced much in that class. X3

I don't know what else to say. All I've been able to draw is headshots and sketches and static poses, and I want to learn or do more. I want to get better.

"My mother had a baby once."
-Jigger, Carousel.

<3 - brittany

Sunday, September 18, 2005

dun dun dun da dun da dun da dun

Mood: Dancing. (Through life. harhar.)
Listening To: "Farandole" from our field show. X3
Reading: "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding

Is it lame if I go and look at field shows on MSC?
(for those of you who check out my deviantART account, yes, I'm asking again.

But homecoming's on FRIDAY! *rejoices*

I'm so excited. Who cares if I have to wear a 2X costume even though I'm only a medium?

Okay, I care. Especially 'cause it stinks, but that's beside the point. XD

I cannot wait. Seriously.

Longer post later. X3

<3 - brittany

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

and the ewe sheep aren't even keepin' score

Mood: Depressed, kinda.
Listening To: Nothing, but I have "June is Bustin' Out All Over" from Carousel stuck in my head.
Reading: "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding and "Night" by Elie Wiesel. I know, I'm AP-ing it all the way.


I don't know. I guess the beginning of fall gets me down no matter what I'm doing. I get really worried about my grades and parent/teacher conferences, and right now my grades are even doing good! One B+, one B, and six A's. I'd call that good. But I get, like, overly worried about math. Math kills me. I hate the stuff. Sure, I'm in Pre-Calc right now, but it still kills me.

And ohmagash. It was fracking cold this morning. I need gloves if I'm gonna keep doing Majestix. XD I froze my little tush off.

Little tush. Hah.

There isn't much to say. I fell asleep in Driver's Ed today. Ooh, that's news. I get so friggin' tired. But I shouldn't complain, other people come to school at 6:00 too. Mur.

Ah... I have drama tomorrow. That's reason enough to rejoice. Yessir.

But I'll end this here, since I probably bore you all to death, eh?

"I don't cause commotions, I am one."

<3 - brittany

Friday, September 09, 2005

some postman is grooving to all our love letters

Mood: Sooooo much better than this morning.
Listening To: "Some Postman" by Presidents of the United States of America
Reading: "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding and "Night" by Elie Wiesel.

HAH! If you saw me this morning or all today before the football game, I'm sorry. You witnessed A VERY BAD HAIR DAY. Please contact your nearest beauty salon to report the sighting, then get your eyes checked. You may have gone blind.

XD I'm a dork.

But seriously. I got up too late (5:20. Who could call that late?) and my hair was like, POOF, in a big curly mess which doesn't look too bad. So then I tried to do it an it came out looking craptacular. Very bad. I had to wear my Majestix shirt to school because we had a football game to do the flag ceremony at, and then I realized I hadn't worn a shirt under it. So I had to stay in my sweltering hot hoodie all day. And I was just stressed out about field show and my mom might have to have back surgery, and blah. This combination made for a very bad day.

Except one person liked my hair. XD Only Vanessa. X3 I love her so much.

And after school, my mom's like, "We're gonna go get your hair cut." I didn't want to.... I just wanted to take a shower and try and fix my hair before the football game.

But she dragged me anyway. So we went to Inkley's to look at cameras first (I need one for Photography, and the cheapest one is $249! *dies*) then went to Great Clips to get me a $7.99 hair cut. I wanted a "flare" haircut where it's longer in the front and you stick it up, but my mom wanted to get a trim. I needed a change. So we made a compromise and the lady who cut my hair didn't do what we wanted, but I still love my new hair. Thank goodness, eh?

It's very cool.

HAH! Here it is. X3
<3 - brittany

Sunday, September 04, 2005

it's clear to see that you've become obsessed

Mood: Tired, but still oh so happy. X3
Listening to: "Every Day I Love You Less And Less" by Kaiser Chiefs
Reading: "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire. I'm halfway through! (It's fetching long...)

Originally, yesterday at around 10:50, this post was going to be named. "I didn't make it." And I was going to start the post with perhaps an explicit word or two.

But here's the deal. We went to see the list around 10:45 or something, and my name was not on it. I cried. I stood there and I bawled. I couldn't believe it. I noticed that Lindsey had Carrie and Carolyn got Julie and Emily got Mrs. Mullin, and then I skipped back down to the chorus to see if maybe I missed myself. No. All I saw were, like, four Jensens. No Johnsons.

So, my mom took me out yard saling, and all I could do was cry. I was sooooooo bummed. I just wanted to go home.

So we finally got home around 11:47, and I saw that someone had left a message on our phone. It was Ms. LaForge (the director and drama teacher). She told me to call her. The message was only three minutes old. So I pounced on the phone and called. The dialogue went much like this.

LaForge: Hello, Brittany?
Me: Yeah.
LaForge: I'm just calling to apologize. I was looking through my cast lists and I realized that I had left your name off. I forgot to type it, or didn't see it, or something. I'm sorry.
Me: ... *standing there in open-mouthed amazement*
LaForge: Ah, have you seen the list yet?
Me: Yeah. *still standing there*
LaForge: Well, I'm sorry for any grief this may have caused.
Me: *finally kicking into the present* Thank you. Oh, thank you.
LaForge: Yeah. So, I'll see you on Tuesday?
Me: Yes, oh, yes, Thank you. Thank you so much.

Ohmagash. I had a hysterical freak-out after that. I was crying, my mom was crying, we were sooooo happy.

So yeah, I'm in. I'm in the chorus. !!!! X3

And Lindsey and Michael got Carrie and Billy.

But who cares? (sorry, guys) I'M IN!!!! <333333

Oh, but here's the thing. I'm sick with a sore throat and a runny nose. Killer.... I need some medicine. XD

<3 - brittany

Saturday, September 03, 2005

the sheep aren't sleepin' any more

Mood: Fetching nervous.
Listening To: Some TV show my brother is watching, but "June Is Bustin' Out All Over" from Carousel is stuck in my head.
Reading: "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire

Ugh. Callbacks were last night. We had to sing "You'll Never Walk Alone" and I figured I'd do pretty good, but then we had to sing the part where it rockets up to E's and a high G. That is not my range. I am an alto almost through and through. If you want me to sing that part, expect me to sing softly. So I did sing, quieter than I should have, and I went home early. I didn't even get to read.

I understand that I still have a chance to get in the chorus, I understand all of that, but I feel like I've failed because I sang too quiet. My friends told me I hit every single note, but I don't think that LaForge could hear me way out in the audience. So now I'm really scared. I'm afraid I might not make it. Sure, I can sing (within my range), I can act, but dancing? ...Let's not go there.

The list is going to posted around 10:00, so my mom's taking me at 11:00. I'm shaking, and it's only 9:58. I feel sick, I feel like crying.

I cried all last night, and tears come whenever I think about callbacks. I'm so scared.

<3 - brittany

Thursday, August 25, 2005

if only because dust is what we come to

Mood: Eh. I really don't know...
Listening To: "Dancing Through Life" from Wicked
Reading: "Misery" by Stephen King

Argh. I keep wanting to write lengthy posts, but my mom keeps interrupting me right as I start. XD

Ah... School has started, and I'm dead tired. It's not even the end of the first week! I need to get to bed earlier. I have to get up a five in the morning now to get to the school at six to practice field show with the band, and it's fracking FREEZING. Eh, well, it looks nice already and we just started. XD

Other than that, school has been going along quite swimmingly. I have drama (yay!) and it's a blast. I love that class. Photography is awesome, I can't wait to start working, and math is, as usual, very very frustrating. English and biology are okay, and I like the class, but we'll see as it moves along, eh? And seminary is great as well, I have Brother Bird for a teacher. Driver's Ed is moving along, and Spanish stinks. There's my classes. X3

Majestix are in charge of the flag ceremony for the assembly tomorrow, and I think that'll be cool. Uh....

Oh yeah.

And if you read this Tiffany, CONGRATULATIONS! Michael and I think it's awesome that you are Miss Tooele County, and we wish you the best of luck with college!

<3 - brittany

Monday, August 22, 2005

because happy is what happens when all your dreams come true

Well, isn't it?

Mood: Excited, a little bored, a little tired...
Listening To: "Thank Goodness" from Wicked.
Reading: Just finished "Feed" by M. T. Anderson, started "Crusader" by ...Bloor.

Well, school starts tomorrow and I wanted to write an entry, but my mom's kicking me off the computer. So I'll write more tomorrow, hopefully. X___x

<3 - brittany

Friday, August 19, 2005

vrei sa pleci dar nu ma nu ma iei

Mood: I don't really know. Confused.
Listening To: THE NUMA NUMA DANCE from
Reading: "The 1,911 Best Things Anybody Ever Said" by Robert Byrne

Well, band camp's been going along swimmingly (not really, I get frustrated easily...) and I've been BORED OUT OF MY MIND. And since last I heard, Tiffany's moving tomorrow.

Dang. People are just streaming out of Tooele.

Anyway, I made myself a poem thingy... It's at And if you really cared, you would go there. =D

*pushes you in the general direction* Go.

<3 - brittany

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

it's taken all my courage to approach you

Mood: Still feeling pretty down. And I've got a stomach-ache.
Listening To: "Notice Me, Horton" from Seussical
Reading: "The 1,911 Best Things Anybody Ever Said" by Robert Byrne.

Well, band camp started yesterday, and it was okay. Not my favorite thing, but I'm glad to be around people again. I can't wait to start school. We're going to do the Banana Dance for a formation thing tomorrow. And Majestix is so much better now that there are more people. There's less to fight about because there's more people, it seems.

I went to a sleepover for Arielle on Saturday. It was a lot of fun, because I haven't seen her or Stacie or Stephanie or Ashley all summer and I got to see them. It was fracking cold because we slept on the tramp, and I'm still getting charlie horses in my muscles because we were squished together. XD

Cori moved yesterday. We helped them load the U-Haul, and then later, when I got back from band, we had an awkward goodbye. Now she's gone and I just want to cry because I know I probably won't see her again. Argh. I'm so resistant to change. I hate it. XD

So now I'm just waiting around to go to band camp... And I'm bored out of my mind.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

look at him now, disappearing the cow

Mood: Tired. But not just physically, kinda an all over tired, you know?
Listening To: Magical Trevor from
Reading: Nothing really.

I got my schedule today, and I was really happy about it.

First Semester

1. Honors Biology
2. Honors English 10
3. INT. THEATER (Whoo! X3)
4. Seminary

5. Adv. Math
7. Driver's Ed
8. Spanish 4

Second Semester

6. Honors Medieval World Civ.
7. Health

Yeah, I've had a few massive spasms of JOY after reading this. X3

But the reason while I feel a bit down is because everyone's gone or going. My neighbor whom I've known since I moved in (and have become good friends with) is moving on the 15th, and another friend is moving to Salt Lake on the 19th. Both of those times are during band camp, so I feel like I won't be able to say good bye. Lindsey and Michael are both on their pioneer trek and I'm hoping they have an AWESOME time, but then Lindsey's off to Oregon with her dad once she gets home.

But I imagine I'll feel better once school starts. At least I've got both of the classes I REALLY wanted, drama and photography. I just have to wait until we get into the swing of things, eh?

Friday, August 05, 2005

talkin' to a speck - talkin' to a speck - to a speck of dust

"I don't cause commotions, I AM one."
(Best quote in the world. X3)

Mood: Tired. It's pretty late. But I'm excited for school.
Listening To: "Biggest Blame Fool" from Seussical.
Reading: "The Last Book in the Universe" by Rod Philbrick.

Things have been going kinda slow lately, and I cannot wait for school to start. Summer band ended, so now I have no reason to get up early. I'm sick of sitting around all day. Well, at least band camp is coming up soon.

Blah. I'm worried because I don't know what classes I got in school. I know I got photography, but I'm afraid that int. drama didn't fit or something and I'll freak out because I didn't get it. I swear I will scream and cry an throw a fit if I didn't get it. *dies*

I've read at least five books in the past week because of boredom. We had a post-camp party and got to make s'mores finally. We hadn't been able to at camp because we never had time to build a fire. (They had activities scheduled from six AM to ten PM and ten PM was lights out.)

I'm bored and in desperate need of something to draw or write or make. I need to do something with my hands. Or I want to go to a party. Sadly, there are no parties to go to. >_o

I KNOW I'll have something to talk about once band camp starts. I just know it. -shot-

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

we wear our bungarees way down below our knees

Mood: Happy to be home.
Listening To: "Caveman" (It's a really weird movie) in the background, but I'm singing "We Are the Mormon Girls" over in my head. XD
Reading: Well, I just finished "Spy Goddess: Live and Let Shop" by Michael Spradlin.

Well, I'm back from camp, which wasn't a complete disaster (which I was expecting), and I jumped off of a forty-foot cliff. Yes, be proud of me. X3

If you want the full experience, e-mail me at

But, ah, yeah... I'm bored, and I'm doing this weird creativity recovery thing called The Artist's
Way with my mom and some ladies from my ward. It's interesting, but strange. XD

But yet again, this is another meaningless blog entry. XD But I swear I'll have something to say someday!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

"that's funny," thought horton, "there's no one around."

Mood: I'm okay. I've been bored all week.
Listening To: Seussical the Musical (Yes, I'm stuck on musicals.)
Reading: Nothing. I finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which could have been better, in my opinion. T^T

So, ah...Yeah.

Lindsey's at EFY all week, so I've been so alone. *spazzes* I haven't talked to anyone on the phone since Sunday. So I'm bored and I'm tired and I have a parade on Monday.

I command everyone to go. *uses Jedi mind tricks*

I know I had something to say...

I saw Madagascar the other day... It was an awesome movie. Um.... grah, this was a pointless journal entry, now wasn't it?

I went swimming the other day, and then I go to camp on Tuesday, and now I'm gonna die because I can't remember what I was going to say.

It'll come to me later, I promise. =3

calif. photos

1. This is my me, my mom, and my little brother at Huntington Beach. LOOK AT THE OCEAN! *spazzes*

2. This is my little brother and I at Rose Hills Memorial Park, sitting near my grandmother's grave. He's sitting near the head stone and I'm down at the bottom of the plot, drawing.

3. This is my family at Huntington Beach. I love my family, they're awesome.

(From Left to Right) Top Row: My cousin Rocio (AKA Cheepe), my cousin Jessica, my mom, my big brother Chris (I love him so much), my little brother Brandon, and my cousin Karla.
Bottom Row: My second cousin (Rocio's daughter) Savannah, me, and my niece Elizabeth.

4. This is my brother Chris and his daughter Elizabeth. I think she's freakin' out 'cause they're in the water. I don't know.

5. This is another family picture at Mario's Tacos in Pico Rivera. It's an awesome place to eat, if you're ever in Pico, go there. *dies*

From Left to Right: Rocio, Savannah, Brandon, Karla, me, and Jessica. X3

pioneer trek photos

1.This is me the morning of my trek. As you can tell, I'm a little grumpy, but my dress is CLEAN. *dies*

2. This is me (in the middle, da-hur) with two other girls from my ward (Jennifer on the left, yes, the one whom I helped in the women's pull... and Cori on the right). We were being all hawt and stuff in our sexy dresses. XD

3. This is me the afternoon I came home. See how dirty and sunburnt I am? But I love my dress. It may be from the sixties, but man, did I feel gorgeous. X3
And 4., this is the same day as 3, but I'm standing up and you can see my beautiful apron. Yes, it is the same one as you see in the first picture. And no, that big dark splotch is not chicken's blood, but grape jam. Everyone was asking me if it was chicken blood. XD
Look at the sleeves! I adore those sleeves. X3

Sunday, July 17, 2005

like a fire is burning

Mood: Tired still...But still amazed from last night.
Listening To: Myself humming "The Spirit of God".
Reading: Harry Potter 6! *has a spaz* Squee. X3

Last night was the Day of Celebration. For those of you who don't know what it is, it was a huge youth festival thing that celebrated our first prophet (Joseph Smith)'s 200th birthday. And when I say huge, I mean HUGE!

There were around 46,000 people there from the Salt Lake City surrounding area. 15,000 were in the choir, and there were 8,000 dancers or something. And way over 4,000 flagbearers. Holy cow. I saw quite a few people I knew, including Tiffany, Colin, Laurie, Roxanne, Mike (my brother from the trek) and Abree... I can't remember who else, but it was amazing.

Just to hear that choir sing was so powerful... I cried. We made pictures with these scarves that everyone got. You know, in the movies they make words and stuff? Yeah, well, we did that with 46,000 people. The first one said "Jospeh 200th", the second said, "Follow The Prophet" and the third was a mountain range with a sun coming up on the left, then going down on the right, then saying, "Choose Light". It was so awesome.

Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley spoke at the end, and that was also breath-taking. We had a glow stick thing at the end, and that was really cool.

The dancers were amazing, the flags were awesome, the singing was beautiful, and I had a blast.
But I'm running out of adjectives, so I'll end here.


Saturday, July 16, 2005

who can say if I've been changed for the better?

Mood: Tired, but doing pretty good.
Listening To: "For Good" from the Wicked soundtrack (I know, I'm obsessed).
Reading: Nothing, still, but I have Wicked and the new Harry Potter on hold at the library. X3

Well. I'm back now, aren't you overjoyed? X3

On Thursday (?), I went to a senior party, and it was sad. Chantelle is leaving Tooele and going to college. So I saw a bunch of seniors, and got to start missing them all over again. XD But it was an awesome Mormon senior party. X3

I had a TON of fun in California, I got to see my brother, Chris, (whom I love soooo much).

And my brother saw my drawings, and he hit the floor. He said that I was really good and stuff. And my brother's one of the best artists I know. I died of joy. X3 And then I drew him a gift. <3 Not a picture of a gift, but a picture of something of his choice. XD

So, I came back on Thursday night, and Friday morning I had Majestix practice, and I forgot that it was freshmen initiation week. So I showed up and found out we had to do the pudding obstacle course. XD So, I was drenched with water and really nasty chocolate pudding, but it was awesomely fun. *nodnod*

And I went to see Dark Water with Nicole (an old friend) on Friday. It wasn't that bad, but it was too much like The Ring.

And I had a parade this morning. It was hot and tiring, especially since I didn't get enough sleep last night. XD But it was still fun, even though I didn't know a soul there. It was Draper Days (don't ask me why Tooele does that parade, they don't have any local bands XD).

So there's what I've been doing.

"The Harry Potter book comes out today! It is truly a 'day of celebration'!" XDD

Thursday, July 07, 2005

so if you care to find me, look to the western sky

Mood: Much better. X3
Listening To: "Defying Gravity" from the Wicked soundtrack
Reading: Anyone have book suggestions?

Goodness. I feel so much better. The parade was awesome. I had people calling my name on all sides, but the sad thing was I couldn't look at them because I wasn't allowed. Not proffesional -looking, plus it got me off-step. XD

And there's a little neighbor girl that saw me and wants to be part of the Color Guard when she goes to high school. <33333

We're leaving for California tomorrow morning most likely, because I got invited to a party tonight. It's for a senior whose last day in town is tonight. It feels weird, because I probably won't ever see her again. o-o

*runs off singing Wicked music because she's obsessed*


Sunday, July 03, 2005

you know black- is this year's pink

Mood: Bitchy, if you would excuse the language.
Listening To: "Dancing Through Life" from the Wicked soundtrack
Reading: Dangit, I need some good books.

Blah. I've been feeling pretty depressed and mean this past week. I dunno. I keep getting in fights with my mom, I keep feeling down on myself, and I don't know why. It feels crappy. I've been snappish and rude, and the only way I feel somewhat happy is if I'm listening to my music alone. And lately, my music has been the Wicked soundtrack, and that makes me feel worse because it makes me miss all sorts of people, and I feel sorry for Elphaba, but then I feel kinda better. I don't know what's wrong, and I wish... I don't know.

Gah. I sound like a whiny emo girl. Sorry. I hate sounding like this.

People have been getting on my nerves lately, and it's not because of them, it's me. I hate that.

So, I'll be all right later, I guess. I hope.

I've got a parade on Monday (I'm in the Color Guard), and then on Saturday (the 9th), I'm leaving for California to see my cousins, my brother (whom I haven't seen for five years), and my niece (whom I've never met). So, I think by then I'll feel a lot better because I haven't seen my family for a long time.


Sunday, June 26, 2005

more pictures

These are from the last day of school and the drama banquet.

Number one: Lindsey and I being ourselves. I love her. X3 And I really like how this one came out. Lindsey's wearing my headband. XD

Number two: These are my friends and role models, Krystel and Tiffany. This picture came out crappy, and I tried to fix it, but it's still crappy. I love those two, though.

Number three: Bacon was Horton the Elephant in Seussical the Musical, and at the Drama Banquet, they gave him his egg with his eleplhant-bird in it. He was being Hamlet in this picture or something. And that's Liz Miller in the background being all amazed and stoofs. XD

Number four: This was supposed to be a picture focusing on my "tattoo" on my arm. It says "Fly Solo Babe!" and has a little bat next to it. It's a long inside joke. And kinda embarrassing. XD

Number five: The Gym Crew. XD These were some of my friends in gym.

Left to Right: Allison, Courtney, me, and Lindsey. X3

pictures from state

From beginning to end, here's the descriptions for the pictures.

Number one: This is one of the many mousse'd pictures. I got into Jessica's mousse and had a bit of fun. X3

Number two: This picture came out crappy, and I don't know what the heck I'm doing. Your guess is about as good as mine. People think I'm holding chopsticks, but I don't remember playing with chopsticks.

Number three: This is the harem! Jessica won a Jeep while we were at State (unbelievable, I know) and we became her personal tagalongs, so she called us her harem. I'm not in this picture, but I'm Harem #1, and I called her Chief Walrus.

Left to right: Sal eating ice cream, Jessica and her Jeep glasses, Lindsey, Colin, and Michael and Emma "sleeping".

Number four: Jessica wearing a funny hat in Old Navy. I thought it was hilarious.

Number five: Me, Lindsey, and Jessica doing the Banana Dance in a plaza at St. George. People were taking their kids away from us. XD

Saturday, June 25, 2005

you should-a taste my lasagna

Mood: Grateful for my own house and my own bed.
Listening To: "Lasagna" by Weird Al Yankovic
Reading: Nothing. I need a good book. X___x

So, I'm back from my Stake's Youth Conference. It was a pioneer trek. Holy cow, it was hard. We had a pillowcase to fit our stuff in and a sleeping bag. The first day, we were put into a "family", then we began the hike. My family had four boys and five girls. My parents were Papa John and Mama Dee. It was the Johnson family. Ha. I didn't have to change my last name.

We pulled our handcart fifteen miles the first day. We started out at around 10:30 that morning and finished at around 10:30 that night. I couldn't believe it. Lunch was two pieces of bread, butter, jam, and a cheese stick. That's the least amount of food I've ever had for lunch, but it was the best I've ever had. It filled me up until dinner at 10:30. Dinner was a tin cup of chicken broth and rolls. I had five rolls. XD My excuse was that one roll couldn't soak up all the broth. There was plenty of rolls, obviously.

At around 8:00 the first day, we had something called the Women's Pull. The men left for the "Mormon Battalion", and a lot of the girls were crying. I didn't get it. I didn't really realize what was going on. The way I describe my thoughts is, "Hey, wait a minute. I know this is called the 'Women's Pull', but you're not gonna help us or nothing?"

My "sisters" and I got ready to pull the cart up the steepest hill on the whole trek, and then my Mama Dee came over and asked me if I would go to another family and help them out because they only had three girls. I said of course I would and went to their handcart. JoDee Johnson and Jennifer Hopkins were the girls in the front. They are both really tiny girls. And then it was me and this kinda chunky girl in the back. I assessed the situation with a sound mind and concluded that there was NO FRICKIN' WAY we were gonna get the cart up the hill.

We started up the hill, and we really struggled. I was pushing with all I had and the others were pulling and pushing with all they had, and even then we kept getting stuck. I began to yell out, "1, 2, 3, HAH!" and we'd push on "HAH!". Then a lady came up to me and said, "We'd like you to whisper, please." And I said, "Lady, I'm sorry, but I can't whisper. I can't expect them to hear me when I whisper. I'm gonna yell." And then she walked away and I called out "1, 2, 3, HAH!" again. We were almost to the top when I started to burn out. I felt like I could not do it anymore. And then we were at the top. Men and boys were lined up on either side, giving us an aisle to walk through. I was crying, and I looked up at one of my "brothers" and I saw that he was crying. All of them were crying. They had their hats over their hearts, and they were crying. It strengthened me, and I began to push with all I had again. As we left the top of the hill, boys and men from our families were peeling off and walking next to us. They weren't allowed to help, but just having them walk by us helped. We got down the hill and started up the second one, and a woman in white (symbolizing an angel) began to help us push up the hill. I began to sob, and I felt so relieved. Then halfway up the hill, the angel was replaced with a man. He was huge, and even with him the hill was hard.

I didn't understand. How could just four girls take a handcart up a huge hill by themselves, then start on a smaller hill with a strong guy and have it be harder? I know that we were helped by something other than ourselves. I know that God had a hand in it. Say what you want, but I know that my church is true.

When we were on the smaller hill, it started to rain pretty hard. We finally got to the top, and I was shaking and JoDee hugged me and cried and was thanking me for helping them. The thing I couldn't believe was that she's a cheerleader. She doesn't associate with people like me. And here she was, crying and thanking me.

When all of the groups got to the top and we gathered around and began to sing "Come, Come, Ye Saints", the rain stopped and a huge rainbow came out. It may sound corny, but it was beautiful.

That first night, we slept under the stars. I remember my head hitting my "pillow" (it was my coat) and then nothing else. The next morning we had scones for breakfast. They were so good. We pulled the cart only five miles, then came to our camp at lunchtime. We ate, then set up a shelter and bummed around for about an hour. Then we played family games like tug-o-war and stuff. It was fun. Finally, it was time for our chicken chase.

See, the thing was that we had to kill and prepare a chicken for our dinner. So, all of the families stood in a tight circle, shoulder to shoulder, and two representatives from each family were blindfolded and put in the middle of the circle. Of course, me being me, I was one of our reps. So we waited, and it was kinda scary because I'm afraid of the dark. And then I heard this "bawk" and I realized that the chickens were out. Someone yelled go, and I took three steps forward, and my foot hit something soft. I heard another little "bawk" and had a spaz. I reached down, put one hand underneath the chicken, and held him by the neck with the other.

These were retarded Miracle-Gro chickens. They are bred to grow fast, so in their mind, they're still chicks. XD

So, we prepared our chicken... I'll keep the gory details to myself, thanks. X3

It rained while we were cooking our chicken, so we huddled underneath our tarp and waited for the chicken to cook. When it was almost done, we blessed the food, and the rain stopped. We went and ate, and I've decided that it was some of the best I've ever had.

We had a hoedown later that night, and a caller came with speakers and stuff and set them up in a field. We learned how to square dance and polka, then we did the "Boot Scootin' Boogie". Awesome possum.

The next day was our Sabbath, so we could have the whole experience, you know, and I had to speak in Relief Society. I got up there and winged a two-minute talk. XD

Finally, on the last day, we hiked five miles and finally got on the bus. We got home and I took an hour-long shower and washed off my dirt tan. I have a mondo sunburn, and my nose is peeling. My mom called me a tomato. XD

So that's where I've been for the past four days, and I had a blast.

Friday, June 17, 2005

if charlie wants to tango now they'll have two to dodge

Mood: Bored and grumpy. Didn't sleep much last night.
Listening To: "Camouflage" - Stan Ridgeway
Reading: Nothing. I'm a bad little illiterate girl. =D

Bleh. The Masjestix meeting was pointless. Talking about fundraisers and stuff, and then Syra went off on this ramble about the band going to California. And I don't go to California with them, so I was getting impatient, so we left. XD

And I went swimming. Woohoo.

Yesterday, I went to seminary, which I zoned out at. I really didn't want to zone out, but we went late and we had to sit in the back. So Michael and I talked the whole time. X____x

And then I went to my little brother's baseball game, which only made me frustrated. He has like, the worst team in the league. And it's not because of him or anything, most of the kids like baseball and pay attention, but the coach stinks. So I was yelling at the kids to back up third and pay attention and give that ball a ride because the coach wasn't. And the umpire was seriously whispering his calls. This runner got to third on a foul ball, and the umpire didn't realize until everyone yelled at him. And he was calling pitches at the shins strikes.

I hate bad umps.

So I showed up late to Majestix this morning. An hour and a half late. They weren't in the gym when I walked in at 7:20, so I walked around the school, hoping they'd show up soon and that we weren't marching that morning. I didn't want to walk into the band room and be like, "Hey Mrs. Syra! I'm an hour and a half late for summer band, so why don't you punish me and make me do squats!"

I went back to the gym at 7:30, and there they were, learning a new routine. Dangit. I had to pull poor Casey away and have her teach me the routine. XD It wasn't hard, but I was tired and frustrated and hoping that Misty (my advisor) wouldn't get too mad at me for being late.

So here I am now, still in my gym shorts and bad hair, waiting until 12:30 'cause I have to babysit. Mur.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

no le quiero no no no

Mood: Can't complain, but tired. And laughing at Lindsey's Spanish.
Listening to: Lindsey trying to sing in Spanish. (No no no no no no no.)
Reading: The Book of Mormon! 8D

So, Summer Band started on Monday, and I had to go because I'm a Majestix(color guard). It's from 6 to 9 in the morning. X____x But I really like it. It's fun and refreshing and I get to see a lot of people instead of sitting around my house all day.

I walked over to Lindsey's house at 9 on Monday with my friend Michael, and we threw pebbles at her window to wake her up. So she finally got up and let us in, so we invited her to McDonald's because I had no way of getting home. So we all went and ate at McDonald's then went to Blockbuster and rented Newsies. I called my parents like 50 kajillion times, but no one was home, so we started walking to my house, which is a good two and a half miles from the Blockbuster. But, we stopped at a corner and "lo and behold" we saw Sherena, our Destination Imagination coach from 8th grade. She was awesome enough to give us a ride home. Moohaha.

But I've gotta go because I have a Majestix meeting to go to. I'll update later tonight, probably.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

it took me a year to believe it was over

Mood: Kinda hyper, kinda tired, pretty happy. You know, normal. XD
Listening To: Lindsey and her classical music in my right ear, "Enid" by BNL in my left. X3
Reading: The Dog Days of Arthur Cane by T. Ernesto Bethancourt

Well, Friday night we had another doubleheader (and now I'm feeling dead. XP) and we won the first game AWESOMELY but lost the second. I was not very happy. The two girls we needed for left and right center showed up but did almost NOTHING. Grawr.

So we had to play again this morning at 9:00 and lost again to Kenecott, the team we lost to on Thursday, so we're out of the tournament. But I don't mind. My team had a great and AWESOME season, so I'm pretty happy. Met some new people, had fun, you know, the whole softball bit. XD

And then we took family pictures. Yep. My weekend was boring, and now my butt hurts really bad. Never play five games in a row and hit four out of those five times and run to first base as fast as you can. You get sore legs and a REALLY sore butt. X_____x

But I've been good. X3

Friday, June 10, 2005

like an echo pedal you're repeating yourself

Mood: Bored out of my mind.
Listening to: "What You Waiting For?" by Gwen Stefani
Reading: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (for the eighth time...)

Well, I'm waiting for my mom to get off the phone so we can go walk the dogs... And I know I'm boring the crap out of you. I'll wait while you get new pants.


Anyhoo... We had a doubleheader in softball last night. It was awesome. There was only eight of us, so one of my teammates and I had to play right and left field. We didn't have a center, so that was kinda hard. We lost the first game. Horribly. But we were all pumped for the second game. We beat them hard! XD And I hit a ball. And made a run. =3 Moohaha. And my coach bought us food at Wendy's. I love her. XD

And we have another game tonight at seven. I'm really excited, now that I know how to play double duty in the outfield. XD

I need less boring things to talk about...

Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize?

Because he was outSTANDING in his FIELD.

I love that joke. X3

Thursday, June 09, 2005



I dunno. Since a lot of my friends aren't on deviantART, I've got myself a blog. I might not update it as much though... I don't know.

We'll just see what happens, eh?, news...

I don't have much. School's out, and I'm as bored as a starfish. I don't know if starfish get bored, but they sit around all day like I do.